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Oakwood Lane Allotments

Wednesday 27th March - Shoot one of Leisure time within Oakwood (Roundhay) for my research project, i.e. dissertation.


My research project, or otherwise known as a dissertation, is based around British leisure time. I am focusing shooting my photographs for this research project locally as it is more accessible for myself.

Yesterday I took myself along with my Auntie to her allotment to get my first photo shoot ticked off. I chose allotments as it seemed quite a peaceful and relaxing way to spend your leisure time compared to a lot of other recreation activities. My Auntie often spends hours at her allotment, allowing her to spend some time doing what she loves and having a moment to herself. I managed to capture some moments of other members of the public enjoying their quiet time, unwinding at their vegetable patches and in their green house's.

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